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By Blair Kenley

Paper Field Tickets: No Bueno

For decades, paper field tickets have been the standard in the upstream industry. Ask any field personnel, old or new, and they’ll tell you the same thing: paper tickets are a hassle. They get lost, damaged, or illegible, which can lead to major issues down the line. But with the advent of digital solutions, that’s all changing. More and more companies are realizing the disadvantages of using paper tickets, and are making a move towards digital field tickets . In this article, we will discuss the various drawbacks of paper field tickets and why it’s time to say No Bueno to them.
The List is Long
One of the biggest disadvantages of paper field tickets is that they are time-consuming and prone to errors. According to a study by The Aberdeen Group, the average oil and gas company spends over 30% of its administrative time processing paper tickets. Additionally, mistakes can easily be made when filling out the ticket, such as spelling errors or incorrect quantities. These errors can then lead to delays in invoicing and payment, which can be costly for both the service provider and the customer.
Paper field tickets can also be difficult to track and manage. Each time a delivery is made, the ticket must be physically transported to the office for processing. This can lead to delays if the ticket is lost or misplaced, which can then cause issues with invoicing and payment. Additionally, paper tickets can take up a significant amount of physical storage space, which can be a challenge for companies with limited office space.
According to a survey conducted by FieldEquip, 75% of oil and gas companies experience delays in invoice processing due to lost or misplaced paper field tickets.
Real-time: No Excuses for Information Lag
Paper field tickets also lack real-time information. Because the ticket must be physically transported to the office for processing, there can be delays in getting the information into the system. According to a survey by ServiceMax, 71% of oil and gas companies report a lack of real-time visibility into field operations. This means that service providers and customers may not have access to up-to-date information about deliveries, which can make it difficult to make informed decisions about inventory management and cost tracking.
Paper field tickets are also limited in terms of accessibility. In order for the ticket to be processed, it must be physically transported to the office. This can be a challenge if the office is located far away from the well site or drilling rig. Additionally, if multiple people need to access the ticket, such as the service provider, customer, and accounting department, it can be difficult to ensure that everyone has access to the physical copy.
Finally, paper field tickets can also have environmental drawbacks. According to a study by the Environmental Paper Network, the paper industry is the fourth largest contributor to greenhouse gas emissions among manufacturing industries. Additionally, paper field tickets can lead to a significant amount of waste, as they must be physically transported and stored.
The Move to Digital Field Tickets Request a demo here

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