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By Daria Maksymiak February 17, 2023

The Move to Digital Field Tickets

In the oil and gas industry, field tickets are used to record important information about work performed by service companies. These tickets serve as a legal record of the services provided, and are used for invoicing and tracking project progress. Traditionally, these tickets have been paper-based, with the technicians on site filling out the form by hand and sending it to the office for processing. However, in recent years, there has been a shift towards digital field tickets. In this blog, we will discuss the benefits of digital field tickets and why oilfield service companies should make the switch.
Firstly, digital field tickets offer greater efficiency and accuracy. With paper tickets, technicians have to fill out each form by hand, which is a time-consuming process that can lead to errors. Digital field tickets, on the other hand, can be completed on a tablet or smartphone, which saves time and reduces the likelihood of errors. These digital forms can also be pre-populated with data, reducing the need for technicians to manually enter information.
Furthermore, digital field tickets can be submitted in real-time, which allows for faster invoicing and better project management. With paper tickets, there is often a delay between when the work is performed and when the ticket is processed. This delay can lead to payment delays and can make it difficult for project managers to track progress. With digital field tickets, technicians can submit the form as soon as the work is complete, which allows for faster processing and greater transparency.
Another benefit of digital field tickets is that they can be easily accessed and stored. Paper tickets can be lost, damaged, or misplaced, which can lead to disputes and delays. Digital field tickets can be stored in the cloud, which ensures that they are safe and easily accessible. In addition, digital tickets can be easily searched and filtered, which allows for better record-keeping and compliance.
Digital field tickets also offer greater visibility and communication. With paper tickets, technicians have to physically bring the form to the office for processing. This can make it difficult for project managers to track progress and communicate with technicians in the field. With digital field tickets, project managers can see the status of work in real-time, and can communicate with technicians via messaging or video chat. This improves collaboration and can lead to better project outcomes.
Finally, digital field tickets can help oilfield service companies reduce their environmental footprint. With paper tickets, there is a significant amount of paper waste, as well as the environmental impact of transporting the tickets from the field to the office. Digital field tickets eliminate the need for paper, which reduces waste and carbon emissions.
In addition to the benefits mentioned above, there are also several other reasons why oilfield service companies should move to digital field tickets. Firstly, digital field tickets can help companies comply with regulations and standards. Many regulatory bodies require companies to keep detailed records of work performed, and digital field tickets can help companies meet these requirements. Digital field tickets can also help companies meet industry standards, such as ISO 9001, which require companies to maintain detailed records of their processes.
Secondly, digital field tickets can help companies improve their data analytics capabilities. With digital field tickets, companies can collect data on a variety of factors, such as work completion times, materials used, and labor costs. This data can be analyzed to identify trends, optimize processes, and make better business decisions.
Secondly, digital field tickets can help companies improve their data analytics capabilities. With digital field tickets, companies can collect data on a variety of factors, such as work completion times, materials used, and labor costs. This data can be analyzed to identify trends, optimize processes, and make better business decisions.
Thirdly, digital field tickets can help companies improve their customer service. With digital field tickets, companies can provide customers with real-time updates on the status of work, which improves transparency and customer satisfaction. Digital field tickets can also help companies resolve disputes more quickly, as all of the relevant information is stored in one place.

Empowering Oilfield


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