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By Daria Maksymiak March 30, 2023

How RigER Solves Operational Challenges for Downhole Tool Companies

Downhole tool companies face several operational challenges in managing their rental equipment and service processes. These challenges include inventory management, field service management, and billing and invoicing. These complexities demand an efficient and effective way to manage all aspects of the equipment rental process. Let’s take a look at the challenges faced by downhole tool companies, in brief:
Downhole tool companies have to keep track of thousands of equipment items. It is difficult to keep up with demand and ensure that the right equipment is in the right place at the right time. This leads to the loss or misplacement of equipment, resulting in increased costs.
Field Services Management:
Managing field service operations can be challenging, from scheduling jobs to dispatching crews and managing equipment maintenance. Keeping track of these moving parts can be difficult, resulting in inefficiencies and delays.
Billing and Invoicing:
Managing multiple rental agreements and invoices can be cumbersome for downhole tool companies. It can be challenging to keep track of customer billing and ensure that all payments are received on time.

Fortunately, RigER offers a comprehensive solution to these challenges

Asset Management:
RigER’s rental software provides a comprehensive inventory management system that allows downhole tool companies to track their equipment from the time it is received until the time it is returned. This system provides real-time visibility into inventory levels and locations, enabling companies to optimize their inventory and reduce costs associated with lost or misplaced equipment. The software also includes automated inventory replenishment and alerts when inventory levels are low, ensuring that downhole tool companies are always ready to meet their customers’ needs.
Field Services Management:
RigER’s field service management software provides a comprehensive solution for managing all aspects of field service operations. The software includes features such as job scheduling, dispatching, and tracking, allowing companies to manage their field service operations more efficiently. The system also includes automated equipment maintenance and repair schedules, ensuring that equipment is always in good condition and ready for use in the field.
Billing and Invoicing:
RigER’s rental software includes a comprehensive billing and invoicing system that streamlines the billing process and ensures that all payments are received on time. The system includes automated invoicing and payment reminders, reducing the administrative burden on downhole tool companies and improving cash flow. The software also includes customizable billing and invoicing templates, allowing companies to create invoices that reflect their branding and unique requirements.
Want to get a demo of our software? Request a demo here

Empowering Oilfield


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