Oilfield Service Companies are looking down the barrel of an increase in volume of work in the next year or so. Correct and timely equipment rental as well as backup equipment, in case anything goes wrong is crucial to maintain smooth operations and management of scheduled upcoming projects.
The truth is, outdated analog systems produce avoidable delays. In order to remain equipped and keep up with the volume and speed of work coming in, going digital is absolutely necessary.
RigER’s digital Reservation and Backup software makes sure that with the click of a single button all the items requested by the client beforehand that are going to be deployed are put aside. This equipment, tested and ready for use, is delivered to the client site in time for the start of a job. Similarly, the backup mechanism allows employers to easily set aside items for future use, assuring uninterrupted service during ongoing jobs.
A typical use case for a reservation is when a company has a big fleet that contains many identical items, and there is a need to make sure that all the equipment will be delivered to the client site on time – tested and ready for the job. Thus, items that are going to be deployed are put aside – reserved, to make sure that the quantity requested by the client is sufficient, and when the time comes those can be delivered to the job site.
It’s worth to emphasize that reservations are done only on a per-job basis, which meant that when a certain quantity of items is reserved for a job, RigER will not allow those to be used for any other job.
The standard RigER document workflow has not been altered much – only one document has been added to the chain to accommodate the reservation functionality.
The new document is called Reservation Note and it will allow both: to reserve items for an upcoming job or to unreserve already reserved items if something changes. These actions are defined by the type of the Reservation Note.