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RigER for Wireline

From pre-trip inspections to invoicing clients, every job has its challenges and your software should be able to support you in streamlining your processes and delivering the best possible service, regardless of conditions and specifications. When your operations are more efficient, your costs are lower and your bottom line improves, that’s the RigER promise.
Book a Demo

RigER can help you with

  • • Job scheduling (units, crews, and equipment)
  • • Tools, Equipment, and Unit maintenance, calibrations, and certifications tracking
  • • Field staff certifications tracking
  • • Client specific requirements and location information management
  • • Time-consuming job documentation processes (field operations job packages)
  • • Real-time operational analysis and KPIs

How does it work?

Seamlessly and simultaneously manage operational and administrative processes in one easy to access place.

Why RigER?

“RigER keeps our sales, dispatch, field, and management staff connected no matter where we are. It’s been a game changer for our productivity, efficiency, and connectivity. It’s honestly more than a tool. It’s a system designed to optimize every step of your wireline operations.”
Brett Toups, Chief Operations Officer

Watch to learn how to achieve efficiency of Wireline Operations

See how with RigER you can:

  • Connect Sales, Dispatch, Field, and Management
  • Keep all operational records in one secure system
  • Streamline Job Preparation and Planning
  • Run Units, Crews, and Equipment dispatching
  • Manage Expertise availability
  • Save Operational Time
  • Start Using Software in 2-4 weeks
By implementing RigER for your wireline operations, you are investing in taking your business to a next level.