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Oilfield Assets Management

Know where every piece of your equipment is. Access a detailed inventory of your equipment on the spot from anywhere using RigER’s Oilfield Asset Management software.

Follow every asset’s life cycle from deployment to returns. Check an item’s repair status as well as any scheduled or past maintenance and inspections. Track its movement between clients and locations. Easily reserve units for future deployment and assign backup units for deployed ones in case of failure. Manage internal transfers from shop to shop, and do it all from anywhere at any time.

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Built for Oilfield Services and Rentals

From the deployment of inventory through to returns and everything in between, manage your fleet of rental oilfield equipment by status, location, and maintenance from your mobile device. Anywhere, anytime.

Asset Management Software

Our remote oilfield asset management software allows your teams to easily manage inventories ranging from dozens to thousands of units. Whether you’re working in rentals, repairs, or retail, this tool makes the process of managing stock seamless, easy, and efficient.
Check all Features

Added Benefits of Switching to Asset Management

Good for your revenue, good for your assets, good for your reputation.
  • Track assets correctly and consistently
  • Avoid forgotten steps in the process of tracking units
  • Be notified instantly of damaged, lost or stolen inventory
  • Have access to a thorough history of every unit from your mobile device
  • Increase the growth potential of your business by redirecting your resources to other areas of business

See How You Can Benefit from Asset Management Software

Case Study

Baseline Energy Services specializes in providing efficient, cost-effective power generation solutions to the oil and gas, mining, and construction sectors.
  • Multiple operations management systems
  • 1000s SKUs
  • Complex operations management
  • Geographically distributed (10+ locations)
  • Comprehensive solution from including standard and specialty modules to enable OFS/OFR operations (from electronic field tickets to repairs, maintenance, and more
  • Mobile Field Tickets
  • Real time operations management dashboards
  • Transparency of operational data between office and field
  • Reduced time to process paper-based/analogue information sources
  • Visibility of rental assets’ performance, utilization and capacity
RigER Oilfield Asset Management has all the functions necessary for a successful and resource-efficient inventory management process regardless of external factors like market conditions, business size, competitors, in-house skills, and more. Our well-honed tool will drastically simplify the complicated process of managing rentals and repairs and give you a competitive edge.