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Optimize & Digitize Flowback and Well Testing Operations

We’ve built a specific configuration to track flowback and well testing operations using existing modules. Track components, assemblies, combo units, invoices, and packages consisting of more than 100+ serialized items with corresponding certification expiry dates, item-specific configurations, and any additional comments. Monitor complex operations with various available equipment tracking configurations, all in a single cloud-based system.
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Frac, Flowback, and Well Testing

Let us control the logistics so that you can focus on the bigger picture.

How does it work?

Easily and conveniently manage the full cycle of your flowback and well testing operations from wherever you are:
Unit Number Attributes
A Unit Number Attribute is a specific feature which you can set up for an individual Item. For example include number heads for the Well head and number of ways for the Crossovers. Things might change constantly when you build a configuration for a specific Well, thus it’s important to understand how to build and run it in the system.
Equipment Purchases
To meet specific operations requirements we built a temporary document called Purchase Sheet, which purpose is to allow to register purchases in the system faster when items arrive to the shop and automatically generate Unit Numbers, input certificate expiry dates, manufacturing numbers, as well as PO#, Bill of Lading, and Purchase Invoices that can be attached later.
Assemblies and Packages
Usually, in the invoice only package price and quantity is presented, while all serial numbers sent to a field are not tracked. So, we decided to separate items into assembly items and billable items. In order to track serialized assembly items, we build a Load Sheet template. This template helps managers to quickly replicate similar jobs for different locations.
Load Sheets
Load Sheet is the document that will move assemblies to fields. The idea behind is that we can send our billable items through a traditional process by creating Price Agreements, Rental Service Agreements, and Rental Tickets, Field Tickets, and Final Invoice. However, use Load Sheets for Assembly Items, which allows us to move both Billable and Assembly Items simultaneously. Another advantage is that system allows you to build a Load Sheet even before you have an RSA.
Return Sheets
Return Sheet is the document that will move assemblies back from fields. When the job is done and items must be returned, you can fill out list of returning items automatically by generating Return Sheet from the Load Sheet with an option to have partial returns, done by checking/uncheck function. Also, your technicians can perform visual checks of items and apply Conditions such as Repair Needed and For Rework, and more.
Billable Items
Billable Items are tracked in the conventional way in RigER®. We build Price Agreements, use different services simultaneously with the packages, combine services and rental units, build combo units. Final Invoice shows us what we have, and to be sure, that everything was invoiced properly, there is Billing Control Report that shows what was invoiced and what’s still need to be invoiced and serves as an extra control tool.
Repair Dashboard
Next step, after returning items from the client location, is that we need to disassemble everything and see if any repair is required and what could be repaired in the shop. To speed up this process, we built the Repair Dashboard, that shows priority of repairs as well as it allows you to filter that list by rental units, client, department, RSA, and location, you can also setup repair date and time, and repair items in the system just by one click.
Need Repair Report
If you would like to see a list of units that require repairs, you can build Need Repair Report, which can then be exported to excel that can be sent as an attachment in automatically scheduled email on a daily, weekly, monthly period frequency that you can setup in the system.
Rework Module
After returning assembly units from the client location and sending defective items to the repair shop, we can move those defective items for the third-party service if they could not be repaired internally. The Rework Module allows us to move defective items to vendors properly by generating Bill of Lading Out, Re-work Purchase Invoice, and returning items back to the inventory through the Bill of Lading In.

Why RigER?

“I was really incredibly impressed when I heard, and I didn’t believe it quite frankly, until I made the call and Michael actually answered that I could actually talk to the programmer that I could actually talk to the CEO and I was like how does this work you know and so I was impressed that your whole team of so very hands-on its clients.”
Erin Vasquez, Rental Coordinator
Butch’s Pressure Control

See how with RigER you can:

Manage Equipment Rental Operations
  • Generate Oilfield Rental Invoices in 24 hours!
  • Know Where your Rental Fleet and Field Team is
  • Schedule Oilfield Service Instantly
  • Dispatch Rental Fleet Faster
Be Always in Control
  • See Full Picture and Make Data-driven Decisions
  • Streamline Business Processes and Supporting Documentation
  • Solve Business Challenges (Sales, Service, Revenue)
  • Analyse Performance on Ongoing Basis