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RigER for Downhole Tools

From tool assembly to track condition evaluations, your clients have unique specifications. So should your software. RigER helps you optimize and digitize the full cycle of your downhole tool operations. You’re more than just a rental or oilfield service company. From assembling tools to creating quotes and rental agreements to management reports, purchasing, dispatching, and repairing.
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Optimal and Digital Downhole Tool Management

RigER gives you an edge by managing your downhole tools efficiently so that you’re free to play to your strengths.

How does it work?

Easily and conveniently manage every step of value creation.
Purchase rental units, parts, components and consumables via a robust Purchase module. With the “Fast Purchase” feature you can receive items in bulk for immediate consumption and assembly building to ensure quick dispatch of the rental fleet, where every item is tracked and accounted for.
Client tool request
Communicate tool specifications to the client by including Client Tool Request (CTR) details in the Rental/Service Agreement. With customizable form you will never miss a critical piece of information – hole size, DP connection, min/max row rates (gpm), max BHT, mud type, min/man MW (ppg) and more.
Assembly Lists
Build new assemblies from the newly received components and parts with a few clicks of a button. Assign attributes to track (measurements, tech parameters etc.) and move the assemblies to the ‘ready for rent’ pool immediately.
Field Operations
Efficient field operations management via cloud-to-mobile setup. From digital tickets to invoice in one system. Dispatch and track rental equipment, assign and schedule field technicians, log time on the job, invoice correctly as soon as job is done, and more.
Manage the post-job disassembly process through a Disassembly Dashboard.  Track units and components, assign and change priorities, view details of each assembly component in process, track C&D hours and more. 
Components evaluation
Conduct post-job inspections and, based on the component condition, assign them to go through the internal repair or external rework process.
Manage third-party repairs through Rework Dashboard where you can track every detail of the repair job. Receive equipment back and save repair documentation for analysis and review.

Why RigER?

“RigER is more than just a software, it’s a system, an approach to support your business operations that enables efficiency and growth as it integrates your business processes in a flexible and robust IT environment. It is very simple and easy, I like it.”
Noah Daoust, Chief Operations Officer
Rival DT

See how with RigER you can:

Manage Equipment Rental Operations
  • Generate Oilfield Rental Invoices in 24 hours!
  • Know Where your Rental Fleet and Field Team is
  • Schedule Oilfield Service Instantly
  • Dispatch Rental Fleet Faster
Be Always in Control
  • See Full Picture and Make Data-driven Decisions
  • Streamline Business Processes and Supporting Documentation
  • Solve Business Challenges (Sales, Service, Revenue)
  • Analyse Performance on Ongoing Basis