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Digital Dispatch & Schedule

As the world barrels towards an increasingly digital future, choosing to stay behind has become a costly and sometimes deadly mistake.

One of the things we see most often is employers who have no clear way of seeing where field staff and rental equipment are located. Without that visibility into the availability of your field technicians or the status of a work order, a lot of time ends up being wasted making phone calls and writing emails trying to find the answer your client is looking for.

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Efficiency is crucial to staying ahead of the curve

RigER’s Digital Dispatch software allows you real-time control over the availability of your equipment and technicians. You can be sure the right person is assigned to the right job, every time and schedule recurring services and tasks so they automatically dispatch the correct personnel. Bonus features include collecting e-signatures from the client right in the field, and creating work orders right from your mobile device.

The RigER Equipment/Inventory Availability

RigER’s Digital Dispatch software allows you real-time control over the availability of your equipment and technicians. You can be sure the right person is assigned to the right job, every time and schedule recurring services and tasks so they automatically dispatch the correct personnel. Bonus features include collecting e-signatures from the client right in the field, and creating work orders right from your mobile device.
Give a Dispatcher correct and up-to-date information about equipment and/or personnel availability and there will be no need to waste time trying to understand what’s on hand at any moment in time. RigER offers a wide range of tools that provide valuable information with just the right amount of details needed.
Here are just a few examples:
  • Availability dashboard – a dynamic dashboard that shows the equipment (rental assets) availability based on the selected date (current – by default). So questions like – “How many pieces of a particular equipment are available for dispatch and from which shop”, “What Unit numbers are deployed to a particular location”, “Which units are under repairs” and so on are all already answered by this dashboard. It contains multiple filters that allow to narrow down the search. It also has sub-pages, which, when selected, will show either information about Rental Units (RU), or more detailed information about individual Unit Numbers (UN), or even consumables (Parts)
  • Location History Dashboard – another powerful and dynamic dashboard that provides information filtered by locations – what equipment has been deployed, when, and for which client. What documents were involved in the chain and so on. Spoiler – it also allows you to manipulate all the documents from within…
  • Location Report – another very handy tool for dispatchers that provides information about what equipment is at a particular location on a selected date (current – by default). In other words, it allows users to easily understand what exactly is on site at a particular moment and perform additional operations if needed
  • Dispatch RU dashboard – another dynamic dashboard, specifically focused on providing information about item availability for a week-long window. It displays status information (available, deployed, etc.) about Rental Units with their corresponding Unit Numbers for the current day, previous two and next four days which adds more clarity on how to organize the dispatching operations

The RigER Equipment Deployment/Return and Service Provision

Rental and Field Tickets are used in RigER to move individual items and provide services. Rental Tickets are geared towards rental operations – they mark start and end of rental periods – while Field Tickets are intended to be used for oilfield services.
There are different types of Rental Tickets – each intended to perform a specific action:
  • Delivery – used to deliver equipment to client’s location
  • Return – used to return equipment from client’s location
  • Service – used for service provision
  • Maintenance – used to perform equipment maintenance based on maintenance templates
Field Tickets, on the other hand, do not have types and do not incorporate the functionality to work with rental equipment. The main focus is services with possible addition of consumables if needed.
A Dispatcher has the ability to create as many tickets as needed and in any combinations required – there are no limitations.
It is worth mentioning that all tickets that belong to one job will be created under one RSA document, which is an oilfield job in RigER.

The RigER Field Technician Dispatch
Having current information about Field Technicians’ availability is as important as about equipment availability. Being able to schedule jobs with the right Field Technician who is a good fit for the job will ensure quality of service and client satisfaction.
Same as with equipment availability, RigER has several tools that provide information about field personnel, for example:
  • Dispatch FT dashboard – a dynamic dashboard that shows availability and historical information about each Field Technician/Supervisor – with their tickets
  • Field Technician Calendar – a calendar that shows availability information for Field Techs and allows users to add days off or injured days
  • Skills/Qualifications and Certificates – create a “personnel file” for each Field Technician to indicate their skills and qualifications, which might be required for certain types of jobs. Also, add certification information with expiry dates, when applicable. This information will then be available in different reports.
  • Billable/Payable hours – every ticket contains fields that can be used to enter the Billable/Payable/Overtime/Per Diem and Bonus hours spent on the assigned job. This will allow users to track time for each Field Tech and use that information in Reports, Payroll calculation, etc. It is also possible to add the same information about crew members to any ticket.
The RigER Job Schedules
Automating recurring tasks saves a lot of time. It can be helpful for a dispatcher to be able to schedule recurring services. The RigER software has a scheduling mechanism that allows creating schedules and automating tasks. Schedules can be created either for Field Tickets or Rental Tickets of a type of Service. The scheduling mechanism is flexible enough to let dispatchers define the exact recurrence pattern required for ticket generation – for example: daily, weekly, monthly, on a specific day(s) of the week or month and so on…

See how RigER handles dispatching operations

Contact us, schedule a demo, and let us show you how RigER can help boost your dispatching (and not only…)
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Features To Explore

Track costs and utilization rate of 3rd party rental units in one system.
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Reserve specific rental units for upcoming jobs and assign backup equipment to ensure uninterrupted service delivery.
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Track third-party inspections, re-manufacturing, re-fabrication and repair of the equipment.
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